Vita of Claudia Schütte
My name is Claudia Schütte. I am a non-medical practitioner and have completed my osteopathy studies with a Master of Science degree. During the master’s thesis I wrote about temporomandibular joint problems in connection with athletic performance.
Born in Hamburg, Germany, where I spent most of my life. Since 2014 I have been living with my family in the exciting Ruhr area. Besides the new professional perspective, we are fascinated by the metropolitan region with its many museums, swimming pools and zoos.
After graduating from high school I spent a voluntary social year in England. There I worked in an institution for handicapped children and got first insights into physiotherapy. Based on this experience, I decided to train as a physiotherapist.
In 2004 I successfully completed the training. Afterwards I continued my education in numerous fields: Among others manual therapy, manual lymph drainage, Bsc. of Arts in physiotherapy and medical training therapy. Professionally, in Hamburg I worked at the Neuer Wall and on Fleetinsel. Despite the numerous further training courses, I was missing something in physiotherapeutic treatment to help my patients optimally, so I decided to study osteopathy for 5 years and train as a non-medical practitioner.
Further training:
Special techniques of Alain Gehin for the treatment of herniated discs (Osteopathic School Germany, Hamburg)
Infants and infants in osteopathy (Still-Akademie, Mühlheim a. d. Ruhr)
Courses for infants and children 1-4 (Institute for Applied Osteopathy, Neuss)
Intestinal cleansing in the naturopathy practice (Paracelsus schools for alternative practitioners, Essen)